All our bags are packed, we're ready to go! Monday morning at 5 a.m. I'm going in to get induced!! William didn't come early like the doctor predicted, and now that he's measuring 41 weeks and I'm only 39, he said we NEED to get him out. I'm in total agreement and hoping he doesn't weigh over 9 pounds-that's what the doctor is thinking he's going to weigh, and now I'm a high risk pregnancy :S But I'm glad he's healthy, and I'm super glad I will not be going home pregnant-we are getting him out here into the world one way or another! :)
I haven't wanted to post any pics of myself this far along in pregnancy because I feel so nasty and huge...but I'm swallowing my pride and showing you all my 39/41 week belly-whatever way you want to look at it :)