Sunday, March 6, 2011

Time flies

           It's been five weeks since little Liam has arrived and it is moving way too fast! He changes every day and I want it to slow down. He's still the sweetest boy ever and does so well. He now weighs 10 pounds 5 oz and sleeps so well through the nights. He would go 4 to 5 hours when he was first born, and he's moved that up to 7 or 8 lately. Is it bad that he's going that long? I'll wake up before he does and just pace waiting for him to wake up and worry if it's bad for him to be asleep for too long through his feedings. Joe reassures me that if he's hungry he'll wake up, but I still worry. But I am very grateful that I get plenty of sleep. :)
          We took him to the doctor 2 days ago because he was projectile vomiting everything he was eating and has done that a few times. We called just to ask questions about it and they had us come in before the weekend just to make sure everything was okay. They ended up sending us over to the hospital to get an ultrasound for his belly. Everything seemed okay for now and we're hoping he continues to do well.
            This is a lot of pictures but I couldn't choose only a few to show! :) Enjoy!
Cuddles after bath time-which he loves!

He gets into this funny trance when he's in his bouncer

My boys 

         He is a very expressive boy and is always making faces and funny sounds. The nurses all laughed because he was so wiggly and grunting and talking the whole time he was getting his ultrasound and while he was drinking his bottle. I sure have a cute baby :)