William is now 3 months old and he is such a stud! He's not content laying in your arms anymore, he always needs to be sitting up or standing looking around at the world. He is such a giggly, smiley boy, I love him so much! I can always count on a smile from him in the mornings when I get him out of his crib, it makes waking up very worth it. :) By the way, he's still sleeping 12 hours through the night!! He's had a few night terrors recently, which is really sad and horrible, but we're dealing with it.
He's starting to realize his hands are capable of grabbing things, which has been fun to watch him figure that out, and he loves to suck on his hands. He's also a very drooly boy! He's such a spit bomb! I love his cute laugh, squeal, and dimples...I just love everything about him! Enough talk, here are some pictures. I wish I could capture him with his huge smile and dimples, but once I get the camera out, it fades out a little bit...but it's still cute. :)
Our boys (and Max's boy in the background) |
Both Zonked |
Playing with Daddy |
Happy boy |
Ready and zonked before our walk even started :) |
My baby boys (and another one of Max's boys. He always has them close by) |
Cute naked boy full after feeding |
So relaxed |
A piece of Heaven in our home :) |
He loves play time with Daddy :) |
Yay! Standing! |
Where we goin? Huh? Huh?? |