Monday, December 13, 2010

32 weeks

         We're getting closer! And from what my doctor said  last week, our due date might be earlier than what we expected-by about 2 weeks. I guess we'll see what happens! My doctor readjusted my back and hips-he said my alignment was way off- 2 inches! No wonder I'm in such pain. It helped for the first few nights sleeping, but I can feel my back and hip pain coming back, so I'll probably get readjusted every few weeks now. 
          Joe and I are a sight to see right now. He got surgery on his ankle Saturday for his tendonitis, so we're both hobbling around, being miserable together. But he gets 6 week off of work and he'll be home for Christmas and hopefully he'll be healed by the time William gets here. Joe was pretty funny when he was coming out of the anesthesia. The nurse came and got me right when he woke up and said he was ready to go and asking her all sorts of questions about his surgery, which she didn't know the answer to, and that was getting him frustrated. :) That sounded like Joe, he always has so many questions for everyone and always wanting to learn. When I got back there, he was sitting up and trying to get out of bed. He wasn't very happy she was making him stay there, and his endless questions kept on coming-repeatedly. :) When the physical therapist finally came with the crutches, Joe was all ready to leave, but the therapist made him walk around with him with a safety belt on. Joe was hauling through the halls and up the stairs, and the therapist kept telling him to slow down. That's Joe for ya. He's insisted on continuing to do things on his own and even for me, opening all the doors and such. I've got such a sweet husband.
       Last night we had a huge scare. Joe woke up with excruciating stomach pains, and I've never seen him like that. From what he was telling me, I was afraid his stomach was bleeding. I got his prescription instructions and read signs of overdose, and we think that's what happened. He usually took one pill with food, and if that didn't work after an hour or two, he would stagger another one, because the amount is 1-2. Well, he ended up taking 2 right before we went to bed without food, and the food usually dilutes its effectiveness a bit. He noticed right away he was super dizzy and drowsy, and then he woke up with these pains a few hours later. We got some food in his stomach and the pain slowly went away. Whew! I told him today I was ready to call an ambulance to come get him because he was too stubborn to go to the ER, or Redicare. I'm glad he's okay, and he's only taking one pill at a time now. :)
        Here I am at 32 weeks (or 34 for the size William is) He sure is active. He's always kicking and pushing out at me, and now he's kicking up in my ribs. But it makes me glad that he's healthy and active. We have been very blessed lately. We're grateful that Joe is still mobile after his surgery, and especially thankful that we didn't have to pay for his surgery! (He got injured in the Army, so they're paying for everything) We're so thankful that William is healthy and that he doesn't have the cysts in his brain anymore, and we're praying that he continues to do well after he's born. We're thankful that we're finally out of debt! After Joe's dad died a few years ago, Joe was left on his own, and had a hard time climbing out of his financial struggles, but it's great now! We're so thankful for our family members that have kept us in their prayers and been so helpful to us before our new little family member arrives. Thank you all! We love you!

1 comment:

  1. You're still freakin' adorable...I hope Joe's foot recovers soon, and that you will have a little bambino to take care of shortly after that (not before, we like it when our men-folk can help a bit, I'm sure...LOL)
